Purchase a system that works

The correct function of system is essential, regardless of whether you are procuring safety-critical industrial system, patient data management system, or any other business critical solution. IntoWorks ensures the correct functionality of your purchase.

The crucial aspects of a successful purchase are formulating the right requirements specification, evaluating the supplier candidates, and continued oversight and support of the selected supplier.

Operate your system efficiently, safely and reliably

Is your system vulnerable to failures? Are you able to control the potential system failures to achieve your operational goals despite occurrence of failures?

Are you a supplier for perfectionist customers?

A competent procurer is able to demand more than what is advertised, but evidence for correct functionality is always required. The evidence may be obtained as evaluating the supplied product against standards, independent verification and validation, or other case by case assessments.

Do you manage safety critical systems, critical infrastructure, or are you a regulator?

We provide tailored services for regulators, owners and operators in projects involving functional safety (SFS-EN IEC 61508, 61511 and their derivatives), machinery safety, and nuclear energy. For more information, please contact us via telephone or by email:: info@intoworks.fi.